Bad dog, good dog.

". . . owning a dog always ended with this sadness because dogs just don't live as long as people do."
I don't know why I never wrote a review about this book. In the past 5 or so years that I owned a copy of it, I read it several times. I guess you can call it a comfort book. Grogan has a very recognizable writing style, his tone warm and funny even when he's tackling serious issues.
The interesting thing about this book was that I picked it up hoping to read about a dog controlled by demons. And while I definitely got that, I also got an entire tale about the story of a man trying his damn best to fit into adulthood, to support his wife, to love his children. Not only did I care about the very great and crazy dog, I cared about John and his family. And John, I might never meet you. But I really hope you're doing okay. And I hope you learned how to dress your kids without putting their clothes upside down.
And to you Marley, you were really the best and worst dog of the world. If I loved this family so much, it was in no small part thanks to you.
Sentence: Marley broke a lot of things but mostly my heart.